Curriculum vitae pf Prof. Dr. Michael Dieterich

Prof. Dr. Michael Dieterich, married, 2 daughters, 1 son
13.1.1942 born in Stuttgart
1958-1961 Apprenticeship as a toolmaker
1962-1965 Degree course at Esslingen School of Engineering, degree in engineering (Dipl.-Ing.)
1966-1969 Laboratory engineer and teacher/lecturer
1969-1972 Degree course in the natural sciences (physics and chemistry) at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, state examination
1973-1977 Work as a vocational college lecturer, supervisor of industrial firms.
Parallel to this: Master’s degree at the University of Stuttgart
Qualification: M.A. (vocational pedagogy/psychology)
1978-1981 Assistant at the Institute for Vocational and Business Pedagogy at the University of Stuttgart
1980 Doctorate (Dr. phil.; psychology and vocational pedagogy)
1982 Training as psychotherapist (clinical psychology)
Parallel to this: consulting work in industrial firms and rehabilitation organisations
1981-1982 Head of department and study director for psychology at the seminar for education and didactics in Stuttgart
1982-1995 Professor at the University of Hamburg (vocational rehabilitation)
Scientific work and research projects in the field of occupational assignment and occupational change
seit 1987 Research management at Stettler Consulting AG
seit 1996 Full professor for psychotherapy and social pedagogy at the Institute for Psychology and Pastoral Care at the ThH Friedensau